Live Well
Current members:

IMPORTANT: Your Virgin Pulse account has closed. Take action to redeem any remaining rewards by Jan. 31, 2022.

Not yet registered?

Not a member yet? Start here.


How it works

Go mobile
Get health tips
Live it out
Be your best

Download the app. Then connect your fitness tracker to start counting steps.

Get daily information about eating well, fitness, sleep, mindfulness, and more.

Challenge yourself and your coworkers to track steps, workouts, and other healthy activities.

Reach out your wellbeing goals, have more energy, and be the best version of you this year.

*All Raytheon employees, regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in a Raytheon Medical Plan are eligible. Spouses must be enrolled in a Raytheon-Sponsored Medical Plan.

IMPORTANT: Your Virgin Pulse account has closed. Take action to redeem any remaining rewards by Jan. 31, 2022.

Current members

Already registered? Sign in now.

Not yet registered?

Not a member yet? Start here.

I'm an employee
or contractor

I'm a spouse

How it works

Go mobile

Download the app. Then connect your fitness tracker to start counting steps.

Get health tips

Get daily information about eating well, fitness, sleep, mindfulness, and more.

Live it out

Challenge yourself and your coworkers to track steps, workouts, and other healthy activities.

Be your best

Reach out your wellbeing goals, have more energy, and be the best version of you this year.